Project Assistants
Phone 612.332.4020
Brownson PLLC has a unique program of hiring ambitious, top college students as Project Assistants. Project Assistants provide skilled support on firm and client projects in areas of data entry, database work, Excel spreadsheets, and more.
Our Project Assistants are carefully selected and thoroughly trained. They have college majors in economics, accounting, legal studies, management, and other fields. The use of Brownson PLLC Project Assistants on client projects allows the firm to provide clients with skilled support in an economical fashion.
Brownson PLLC Project Assistants have included undergraduate students and law students at:

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4800 Capella Tower
225 South Sixth Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Project Assistants
Phone 612.332.4020
Brownson PLLC has a unique program of hiring ambitious, top college students as Project Assistants. Project Assistants provide skilled support on firm and client projects in areas of data entry, database work, Excel spreadsheets, and more.
Our Project Assistants are carefully selected and thoroughly trained. They have college majors in economics, accounting, legal studies, management, and other fields. The use of Brownson Norby Project Assistants on client projects allows the firm to provide clients with skilled support in an economical fashion.
Brownson PLLC Project Assistants have included undergraduate students and law students at: